Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pelican Palms RV Park

                                                                                             John and Linda's new travel trailer.

The nature trail was very nice. They had all kinds of things to see on the trail. At every turn there was something to see. A bridge over Pelican Palms creek, benches to rest on, deer trails, odd things like a skull sitting on a camp stool, birds, and many other things to see.
No rattle snakes when I went. :>)
 The campground was very well kept up and looking good. It was to cold for the pool, at least for the old folk anyway. We were only a couple of sites over from John and Linda. Their grandkids came to stay with them every week-end from Friday to Sunday night. It was Corey's idea to take us to see the Railroad Depot in Badgad. (see other post of the Depot).
Sure enjoyed the time with the kids.


I got behind, and not in order, with the posting of some of the things we have been doing. It seems like we have been so busy visiting and doing things I just didn't take the time to do it. That is one reason that all posting is not in the order of how did them. So now I am playing catch-up. I will post some of the Navy air museum pictures next. If I can find them where they were down loaded on our computer. That also has been somewhat of a problem. Then we will be up to date with everything up to Kerrville TX. where we are now for the month of December, before we head out for Big Bend Nat. Park. Jan. 3. 2011

A nice park here near Badgad Florida. Did lots of things with John and Linda. Spent some time with Jeff and Crystal and also Corey and Kateyln.  We also went to the Pensacola Navy air base with John and Linda and went to the air museum. I will post some of the pictures later.
That was really something to see. All kinds of real Navy airplanes everywhere, hanging from the ceiling, on the walls as well as all over on the main floor. Took a tour on of the outside area on a site seeing trolley. There are many planes sitting outside waiting their turn to be brought back to the hangers where they are reconditioned and added to the collection of planes. They even had five older blue angels planes in formation hanging from the ceiling in the main building. That alone was worth the trip there. They all were great hosts, it was very nice to see everyone.
They sure made us feel loved and welcome. Thanks to all for such a great stay, and good time.
For those who don't know John and linda , they are son and daughter in law, Jeff and Crystal are Grand children, Corey and Katelyn are great grandkids.

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