This is the view from Speedy.
Speedy Turtle is in the background. |
Nice fire pit.

These two BBQ grills are made for big outings for sure. The two round stacks have round trays from top to the bottom. They can cook 30 chickens at a time on each side. There is also a grate in the middle where they cook large things like turkeys, and smaller pigs.The picture above is the other side where the wood is fed into the fire for both sides.
This one has the fire on the right side. The heat and smoke go to the left under the three sections in the middle then up the stack on the end. Which also has grates in it for smoking. Both are really nice for big BBQ's.

There is a large dam causing this very nicely layed out pond with fountains, two dams, many very large rocks and stones for the water to run over. From here it goes through a section of the park that has benchs and seats along the paths. The stream ends up in the Guadalupe River.

An all around nice place. We are going to be here for a month and will be leaving right after the first of the year. The sites are very nice with plenty of room with their 70 foot length. The site we are on just happens to be only 75 steps door to door to the saloon. Which has a real nice outside patio, with a 8 foot circle brick fire pit, a large screen TV, and two of the best smoker/cookers/ BBQ grills I have ever seen. Many many nice things could be said for the Resort. It runs along side of the Guadalupe River. The deer come out and feed along side of the river at the feeders the resort has. Plenty of things to do in this resort, inside and outside pool's, hot tub's, steam room, sauna room, work out room. Three laundry rooms, game room, etc.