Today, Nov. 3, we went to "Jekyll Island" for the day. We toured the whole island and even drove all the way around on one of the few roads that they have there. The convention center area was closed for the filming of another new movie being made called "X men". We did the tourist things, Horton house, fishing pier, walked along the beach, went to the Historic District, the marina, saw many things of interest. It was nice but not what, or all, that I expected it to be. We took many pictures. I will just post a few of them.
Above is the viewing platform that looks out over the salt marsh on the right.

Below left is Peggy and some of the driftwood along the beach.
We have no idea why the dog below is painted like it is, But we have seen a couple of them painted like the one below, but with other pictures on the dog.

Above is the fishing pier on the Island, and Peggy walking to the old burial place of the Horton house family, during the 1800's. Left is the "Jekyll Island Club Hotel" built in the late 1800's with Queen Anne architectural style including the towers, turrets, wrap around porches. The Clubhouse served as a winter retreat for very wealthy industrialists and bankers of the time.